County | Contact for Referral |
Baker | 541-298-2101 |
Benton | 541-766-0148 |
Clackamas | 503-742-5335 |
Clatsop | 503-325-0241 x.111 |
Columbia | 503-438-2174 |
Coos | 541-266-6756 |
Crook | 541-232-3883 |
Curry | 541-373-8001 x.6125 |
Deschutes | 541-322-7500 |
Douglas | 541-440-3532 x.4106 |
Gilliam | 541-298-2101 |
Grant | 541-298-2101 |
Harney | 541-298-2101 |
Hood River | 541-296-5452 x.4341 |
Jefferson | 541-475-6575 |
Josephine | 541-472-9991 |
Klamath | 541-883-1030 x.2149 |
Lake | 541-298-2101 |
Lane | 541-682-7254 |
Lincoln | 541-272-4138 |
Linn | 541-967-3866 x.2522 |
Malheur | 541-298-2101 |
Marrion | 503-576-4564 |
Morrow | 541-298-2101 |
Multnomah | 503-988-4888 |
Polk | 503-585-3012 |
Sherman | 541-298-2101 |
Tillamook | 503-842-8201 x.222 |
Umatilla | 541-298-2101 |
Union | 541-298-2101 |
Wallowa | 541-298-2101 |
Wasco | 541-296-5452 x.4341 |
Washington | 503-846-4528 |
Wheeler | 541-298-2101 |
Yamhill | 971-267-6267 |
Exceptional Needs Care Coordinator (ENCC) Contacts
Residential Mental Health Care Access in Oregon
If you need services immediately and do not have time to plan, please call our crisis line at: 800-273-8255
If you are researching residential care, or have non-urgent concerns:
Similar to planning for other unexpected life events, knowing your options and preparing for a day you or your loved one may need residential care reduces the burden of finding care when the time comes.
Residential mental health can be an important part of recovery. Residential care is there to support individuals in their most difficult times. Ideally, residential care is short-term and temporary, supporting a return to the most independent living as possible. The best time to plan for and learn about residential care is long before you or your loved one may need it.
While there are many steps to obtain residential care, resources are available to help guide you through them.
Interested in pursuing residential mental health treatment? Here are some options to help you find care:
- Schedule a time to discuss your concerns with your primary care physician, your mental health professional, or anyone else on your support team to learn about your options.
- If you do not have the support described above, contact your health insurance provider to get a referral to a healthcare provider or call your local county Exceptional Needs Care Coordinator (ENCC) to get you connected to local resources.